Studio MLJ

Lexington, Kentucky
United States

Welcome to Studio MLJ, the creative undertaking of award-winning glassmaker Mark Lenn Johnson.

Artist Statement: My work is the physical manifestation of my intrigue, my captivation, and my obsession with glass, color, and light. Glass is a medium of contradictions—both fragile and strong, fluid yet structured, unpredictable but precise. Its very nature challenges me, teaching patience while ensuring I never grow too comfortable in my mastery of it.

I am particularly fascinated by the way light interacts with glass—its ability to shift perception through varying degrees of opacity, translucency, and transparency. This interplay is at the heart of my creative process. I strive to craft pieces that not only showcase the inherent beauty of the medium but also evoke a deeply emotional response in the viewer.

In a world often overwhelmed by chaos and division, I hope my work offers a moment of respite—an invitation to pause, reflect and find peace within the luminous dance of glass and light.

For more information on me, please visit

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